So often, when we think about ministering to international students, we think of sharing Christ with those who have never heard. And it’s true—many international students come to Canada with little knowledge of God and the salvation He offers, and we’re excited to reach the nations at our doorstep. But ISMC’s mission is twofold—to reach the nations and to empower international students to impact the world through Jesus Christ. So how do we do that? How do we come alongside Christian international students—those who came to Canada as believers and those who became Jesus followers while they were here?
In this issue of Doorways, we share how students connect their faith within the context of their busy lives. Sometimes we call that mentorship or discipleship, but the ways we mentor and disciple are as varied as the students themselves. It can be personal one-on-one friendships that leave room for spiritual conversations. It can be much more formal weekly Bible studies, discipleship training programs, or weekend retreats. Often, it’s a combination. In all cases, it’s helping international students to experience the transforming power of Jesus Christ in their day-to-day lives, empowering them to impact the world wherever He leads them.
So, as you read how Lily came to Canada looking for Christian friends and how Daniel and Sandi are connecting students with Christians in the marketplace, will you pray for these international students who aren’t necessarily new to faith, but who are learning to go deeper with God? When you invest in ISMC—by praying, volunteering or giving—you are investing in the lives of students like these.
Jakob Koch
ISMC President