


10 Ways to Pray for International Students

Join Us In Prayer

Develop the habit of praying for international students. Sign up for Uplift: texted requests to pray for international students.

You’ll receive:

  1. weekly prayer points for international students via text message;
  2. ideas on how to get involved in reaching out to international students in your neighbourhood.

Thank you so much for your prayers! We trust God will use them to reach international students with His love and truth.

One of the most important things we can do for international students is pray for them. God uses our prayers to draw international students to Him! 

Here are 10 ways you can pray

1. Pray for the mental and emotional health of international students. Some are homesick, many are lonely, and some suffer from depression. Pray for a support network—including Christians—to help them adjust.

2. Pray for adaptability to their new culture and city. Pray that the students would figure out Canadian culture, adjust to new foods and new ways of doing things, and learn to navigate their new city and campus.

3. Pray for protection. Pray for safe affordable accommodation and travel safety. Pray against those who don’t have the students’ best interests at heart.

4. Pray for financial provision. Pray that they can afford tuition, fees, groceries, and rent. Pray for good working conditions and fair pay for those looking for a part-time job or for employment after graduation.

5. Pray for their studies. Pray for the ability to communicate well and to manage the workload. Remember those balancing work and school or still struggling with English.

6. Pray for leadership development. Pray students will find Christian mentors in their chosen field. Pray that believing students learn servant leadership and other kingdom principles to help them represent God wherever they go.

7. Pray that students will long to know their purpose and the God who created them. Pray that they will see beyond earthly success and seek opportunities to know Jesus as friend, Lord, and Savior. Pray for protection from any spiritual hindrance.

8. Pray for believers to be discipled well. Pray for confidence and opportunities to reach friends and family in culturally sensitive ways. Pray for the development of lifelong habits of fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. Pray for these habits to sustain them through trials, whether in Canada or back home.

9. Pray that students will see the hand of God at work in their lives. Pray that they will see God supplying their needs as Christians pray for them, and that this will lead them to want to know more.

10. Praise God for Christians and churches that reach international students with friendship and practical help. Pray for an increased awareness of the needs of students and more opportunities for international student ministry.