Do you have a garden? Are you eagerly awaiting warmer weather, or do you already have seeds in the ground? It may be weeks or even months until the harvest, but isn’t it exciting to anticipate the growth?
In ISMC, we do a lot of planting seeds. Not tomatoes and radishes, of course, but, as John puts it, “a crop for eternal life.” (John 4:36). We reach out to international students who are curious about Christianity, who are open to faith, who are seeking something more to life. We have the privilege of inviting them to explore the Bible, and to consider the claims of Jesus. Sometimes, we use a formal program, such as Alpha or Discovery Bible studies. Other times, casual, one-on-one relationships develop into opportunities for important spiritual conversations.
It’s not a quick process. Growth takes time. So much happens behind the scenes. So often, a student moves on before we see fruit. But it’s not our fruit anyways. As Paul wrote, “neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow” (1 Corinthians 3:7). Our job is simply to keep planting seeds—and to rejoice at the signs of growth.
I hope you’ll rejoice with us as you read stories of international students who, through exploring the Bible, have made the exciting decision to become Christ followers. I hope you’ll pray with us for those who are still on the journey, that they too, would see their need of Jesus.
And I hope you’ll help us keep planting seeds. Your gifts to ISMC’s spiritual enquiry fund make it possible to come alongside our volunteers and staff as they share God’s Word with students and run programs such as the ones that you read about here.
Thank you for your partnership in this harvest.
Jakob Koch
ISMC President
Fundraising for staff salary goals includes salary needs, ministry expenses, and an 11% administration fee.
Donations are receipted only for staff and projects approved by the governing board. Designated gifts are used for the purpose for which they are given; when that given need is met, excess funds are used where needed most.
Gifts of $10 or more are acknowledged with an emailed income tax receipt from Canada Helps.
Online donations are subject to a 3.5% to 4% transaction processing fee. To ensure the total amount of your donation goes to ISMC, you may explore other giving options.