Posted By ISMC Communications
Meet our Career Staff: Twylla Wiebe
March 1, 2019 |
Last year, ISMC opened a new way to strengthen the church by offering free consultation and resources. This will help churches impact the world through their international student ministry (ISM).
Having served with ISMC for over 20 years, first as a volunteer and then as staff, I am honored to initiate this national catalytic department. My primary goals:
- to discover, connect with, and strengthen churches already doing ISM;
- once this new ministry establishes itself, we want to look for churches near campuses with foreign students and invite them to try ISM.
You might ask, “Isn’t ISMC already doing this through its local teams?” My answer, “Yes, we are! But have you ever met a mission with enough staff to do everything?” Our local teams run fabulous campus ministries, but need help. Churches are perfect for students to meet Jesus and grow in their faith and, depending on the church’s population, there could be 50–1,000 “staff” available to love and help international students.
A personal note
Last year not only saw my ISMC position change, it was a transition into marriage and family after over 40 years of singlehood. I got married to Randy Wiebe on August 18 and we live in Manitoba. I see 2019 as a year to build on these new foundations. If anything in this article resonates with you, let’s connect. My new email address is
Twylla Wiebe
Church Connections Catalyst, ISMC National Team