The audit of our fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 is complete and we can report that we had a surplus for the year. Our expenses for 2021 were almost the same as in 2020, while our income increased. The surplus in our National Ministries Fund has allowed us to build up our reserve funds and put us in a strong position for the coming year.
As you can see, our funding comes primarily from donations. Your gifts to support our staff, city teams, National Ministries Fund and special projects enable us to minister to international students. How grateful we are for increased donations this past year that allow us to confidently plan and deliver programs to serve international students across Canada!
We aim to keep our fundraising and management costs to reasonable levels so the majority of your donations go into ministry programs.
Thank you for your financial support of our vision to “enable international students to impact the world through Jesus Christ!” If you would like a full copy of our audited financial statements, please email and the auditor’s report will be emailed to you.