The financial audit of our July, 2019, through June, 2020, fiscal year is complete. Although our income is down a little from last year, likely due to the COVID-19 economic downturn, we are grateful to report a small surplus. This is mainly because COVID-19 reduced our costs by preventing our staff from holding large group functions such as hospitality events and face-to-face Bible studies during the second half of the year. Those restrictions also limited travel by national leaders to support staff across the country. Many meetings with students and internal staff are done with Zoom.
We are grateful for the surplus this year. This is important for our National Ministries Fund, which in recent years had very little cushion to carry us through the summer when donations typically decrease.
Our funding comes primarily from donations of faithful supporters like you.
We aim to keep our fundraising and management costs at reasonable levels so the majority of your donations goes into ministry programs.
Thank you for your financial support of our mission to “empower international students to impact the world through Jesus Christ!”
To receive a full copy of our audited financial statement, please email and the auditor’s report will be emailed to you.