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Christian Community: a Taste of Heaven

September 25, 2018 | 0 Comments

Setting the scene: school is about to begin and students are enjoying Lakehead University’s annual Club Day. Of course, we had an information table and as we waited for students to arrive, we chatted with leaders of other student clubs. That’s how we met Brian, president of Lakehead University Christian Fellowship. We shared our visions, plans, and activities for the year and discovered great opportunities to work together to reach students.

As a first activity, Brian invited us (the Lakehead University FOCUS Club) to join LUCF for a countryside hike. A family in his faith community offered to guide us through the expansive groomed trails surrounding their mountainside home and welcomed us for a meal later that evening. Can you believe it? What a great blessing!

On hike day, although it was somewhat challenging for some of us to walk up the highest point within 40 kilometers of the city, we enjoyed laughter, made friends, and had a lovely time of Christian fellowship and hospitality. Our new club executive was touched by the love and kindness of people we had only met once! These lasting memories definitely create a taste of heaven on earth!

We are thankful for the connection with LUCF and pray this relational bond leads to further adventures.

Dennis Bevilacqua
City Director, ISMC Thunder Bay