


We seek to love international students unconditionally, partner with local churches in leading international students to discover Jesus through the Word of God, and prepare them to serve God where He leads them.


ISMC’s Partner Development Director is the organization’s #1 Advocate & Model of Henri Nouwen’s philosophy: Fundraising is Ministry. The PD Director will be a transformational leader, creating a new culture of fundraising within ISMC. The PD Director will oversee the educating, equipping & ongoing development of our staff in Partner Development.

Appointed by:
Reports to:
Process of hire:

Candidate Committee
VP, Personnel
Dependent on support-raising
Application completion and approval, graduated release into ministry, based on experience and support raised.


Leadership Ministry
  1. Cast vision to all staff, particularly Career-Path/Career staff, that PD is ministry.
  2. Recruit, supervise, support & annually review a team of PD Trainers & Coaches
  3. Collaborate with Coaching Trainers & offer further training in PD Coaching.
  4. Assign PD coaches to individual support-raising staff members.
  5. Present the ministry at every opportunity.
  6. When a VP, Advancement is in place, collaborate with this leader in developing the area of Partner Development.


Personal & Professional Development
  1. Establish regular times of prayer for God’s wisdom and direction in the ministry.
  2. Develop and maintain a team of prayer and financial partners.
  3. Provide regular reports to the VP, National Field.
  4. Engage in ongoing training (ACMI, local seminars, seminary course, online training).
  5. Attend biennial ISMC National Conference


  1. Growing in a vital relationship with Christ. Meets the leadership qualities of 1 Timothy 3:1-7
  2. Good Bible knowledge
  3. Understands the impact international student ministries can have in the world and is committed to empowering international students to impact the world by empowering staff
  4. In agreement with ISMC’s Statement of Faith and ISMC’s Lifestyle Practice & Conduct policy
  5. Committed to the national vision and mission of ISMC
  6. Heart of a servant leader, able to recognize staff’s gifting and lead them toward their full potential in ministry and faith
  7. Personal and social confidence


  1. Proven success in Partner Development
  2. Demonstrated ability to train, motivate and lead others
  3. Proven ability to give clearly communicated presentations, in and outside of the Church.
  4. Commitment to forging connections and partnerships with other mission organizations, local churches, denominational leaders, particularly professional peers in the area of Fund Development

Ready to apply?

Download the application forms below and fill them in Adobe Reader. Application forms are comprehensive as we are screening applicants to find quality staff to serve our beloved students.

Staff application form (Part 1)

Staff application form (Part 2)

Application instructions guide


Please note that all ISMC positions require fundraising. Training and coaching will be provided.

For more information, please email to applications@ismc.ca