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The Joy of Giving
March 18, 2020 |
Amy Liu, a former international student and ISMC volunteer in Vancouver, now supports the ministry as a prayer and financial partner.
While studying at the University of British Columbia, I joined an international students Bible study and learned about ISMC’s ministry. Two years later, I was entrusted to lead the Bible study and merged it with ISMC’s FOCUS Club. Through that partnership, I experienced true blessings by serving and supporting international students. There were many challenges along the way, but nothing compared to the joy of seeing students coming to know the Lord!
Volunteering with ISMC was the greatest blessing in my life—I became stronger in my faith and developed a closer relationship with God. In experiencing His powerful transformation in me, I came to know the Holy Spirit as my true friend, and met amazing friends from many parts of the world.
FOCUS Club in Vancouver
After marrying and moving to Japan in 2014, my passion to reach international students for Christ did not change, even though I could no longer serve as a frontline ISMC worker. Early in 2019, I was thrilled to become an international student recruiter in Asia. Knowing God is working behind the scenes for a greater purpose, I travel regularly to Asia to promote a master’s of food science degree program in Canada. I hope to inspire students to explore the field of food science and most importantly, to connect them to FOCUS Clubs so they can explore faith in Christ.
I am thankful for how the Lord allows me to serve international students with this opportunity. I want to honor Christ by giving back the first fruits of my increase (Exodus 13:1-22), so I will financially support a few ISMC staff members. I admire their amazing work of reaching international students to be equipped to impact the world for Jesus! Every time I think about being part of this incredible ministry, joy flows into my heart! I will continue to do what I can to support and invest in this ministry that has so blessed my life and that of many others.
Please pray and consider a donation to the Student Leadership Fund to empower students like Amy to reach international students with her gifts and talents.