The average students are spending time with new friends, building new friendships. The average students are spending time with new friends, building new friendships. The average students are spending time with new friends, building new friendships. The average students are spending time with new friends, building new friendships. The average students are spending time with new friends, building new friendships. The average students are spending time with new friends, building new friendships.
In 2005, Cam Janzen was already serving interculturally through the ESL ministry of a Chinese church, but […]
What does it mean to be a lawyer, for instance, or an engineer, or a working artist […]
When studying the story in Mark of Jesus healing a blind man, a student said: “that’s a […]
Friends for Dinner needs families to host international students. Visit to see if a Friends for Dinner is operating in your city!
Friends for Dinner works to partner with churches and ministries to expand this hospitality program. Contact us at to join our team or organize a Friends for Dinner in your city.
Friends for Dinner needs financial support. Please prayerfully consider to support our mission of sharing love with international students!
ISMC is blessed to have a team of Spirit-filled and highly qualified board members for governance, direction, and counsel. Consisting of individuals from different Canadian cities, our five board members have solid ministry and corporate world experience.
Jamey was a Pastor at the Baptist General Conference of Canada serving congregations for 30 years in Winnipeg and Vancouver. He is currently serving two positions: he is the President of the Better Lives Counselling and Coaching Agency providing individualized service to clients and helping them to gain clarity and progress in their journey; he is also the Executive Director at New Hope Community Services Society, a refugee housing society that seeks to provide safe, secure, affordable housing to incoming refugee families.
Jamey is married to Barbara for 37 years and resides in Vancouver. They have three daughters, and three grandchildren. Jamey loves the focus of ISMC to love international students, with the deep desire of showing them the love of Jesus.
Ken is both a Canadian citizen and an American citizen. He spent 27 years in Canadian ministry as a pastor and a seminary professor of Old Testament. He has taught and preached internationally in Russia, Ukraine and Brazil and has a heart for multicultural ministry and for international students. Ken now resides in Overland Park, Kansas with his wife Beth.