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are many variations of lorem passagei ofsit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit Numquam quaerat
dolore. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
One of the most popular charitable projects
The first $25,000 we raise will go
100% to the Donation.
16,000 students and professionals
from the global Word
Get your questions answered by
our staff, fellow users
300 moderated sessions. 450 hours
of technical training
Total Members
Charity Programs
Homeless People
Change a child's world
Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulpuate cursus a sit ameris Morbi accumsan ipsuy veli Nam telus aodio tncdunt auc tor Class aptent taciti
Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulpuate cursus a sit ameris Morbi accumsan ipsuy veli Nam telus aodio tncdunt auc tor Class aptent taciti
Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulpuate cursus a sit ameris Morbi accumsan ipsuy veli Nam telus aodio tncdunt auc tor Class aptent taciti
35,5 million people in Nigeria are
hungry right now
35,5 million people in India are
hungry right now
10,5 million people in Philippines are
hungry right now
9,5 million people in Tanzania are
hungry right now
Empower international students to impact the world
Support our staff to reach the nations
through international students.
The audit of our fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 is complete and we can report that we had a surplus for the year. Our expenses for 2021 were almost the same as in 2020, while our income increased. The surplus in our National Ministries Fund has allowed us to build up our reserve funds and put us in a strong position for the coming year.
Change a child's world
through international students
Volunteers Helping
Adopton & Children Care
Save the Earth Programs