



Hospitality has increasingly become one of the most strategic evangelism assets to engage unbelievers with the good news of Jesus. The New Testament Greek word for hospitality (philozenia) comes from a compound of love and stranger—literally, love for outsiders.The Bible also mentions in Hebrews 13: “Do not neglect to show hospitality t strangers, for some have entertained angels unawares.” Yes, love the brethren, but don’t forget outsiders. Don’t neglect to love strangers as well.

Friends for Dinner provides an avenue for Christian hospitality. An initiative by local churches and Christians ministries, its goal is to connect families with international students to show Canadian hospitality and build friendships.

Friends for Dinner started in Ottawa with a few families and students, in 2012. It soon expanded to Montreal, Waterloo, Saskatoon, Kamloops, and Vancouver. Today, hundreds of international students in Canada experience a Canadian holiday meal (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter) in the welcoming and homey environment of a Christian home.

Many students are blessed by such closeness and love—something they miss by being in Canada. The outreach creates natural opportunities for hosts to share their Christian faith without learning a foreign language, without buying a plane ticket, and not needing vaccinations. With Friends for Dinner, the mission field rings your doorbell!

Hear what our students say about Friends for Dinner

Join us to share love with international students!


Friends for Dinner needs families to host international students for Thanksgiving and Christmas outreaches. Visit www.friendsfordinner.ca to see if a Friends for Dinner is operating in your city!


Friends for Dinner works to partner with churches and ministries to expand this hospitality program. Contact us at info@friendsfordinner.ca to join our team or organize a Friends for Dinner in your city.


Friends for Dinner needs financial support. Please prayerfully consider to support our mission of sharing love with international students!

Fundraising for staff salary goals includes salary needs, ministry expenses, and a 10% administration fee.

Donations are receipted only for projects approved by the governing board or the national leadership team. Designated gifts are used for the purpose for which they are given; when that given need is met, excess funds are used where needed most.

Gifts of $10 or more are acknowledged with an emailed income tax receipt from Canada Helps.

Online donations are subject to a 3.5% to 4% transaction processing fee. To ensure the total amount of your donation goes to ISMC, you may explore other giving options.