Glory to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who loved the world so much that He gave Himself to us at Christmas 0000 that we might believe in Him and have eternal life! Two thousand years after that first Christmas and after 500 years of the Reformation (1517-2017), 2.3 billion people, the majority of who live in the 10/40 Window (the area between latitude 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north), have still not heard or believed this good news!
The amazing thing is that this 10/40 Window is no longer just a far away geographical location. God has given you and I in North America a window of opportunity by ensuring that about 80% of our international students here come from that region of the world. Not just that, 86% of the Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus from there do not personally know a Christian, as was recently revealed to me at a meeting of evangelical mission leaders by the Lausanne Movement in Wittenberg (Luther’s hometown), Germany.
By prayer and mobilizing the members and financial resources of the whole Church, all that is about to change so that by Christmas by 2023, we can be sure that EVERY international student in Canada gets the opportunity to be loved and influenced by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Most local church members have no clue how to effectively facilitate Bible discovery small groups in a particular way that will make disciple-makers and church-planting catalysts out of international students, beyond having good food and pleasant conversations. We are setting up an EVERY INTERNATIONAL account this Christmas from which we will fund ‘plug and play’ programmes and local church disciple-making trainings from coast to coast.
At the first Christmas, God loved the world so much that He gave His ultimate: His one and only begotten son. This 2017 Christmas will you also love the world of 400,000 international students in Canada so much that you give of your substance so that EVERY INTERNATIONAL STUDENT from EVERY nation in Canada by Christmas 2023 will have the opportunity to encounter the Gospel and become a catalyst for an evangelical church for every people, Christ-like leaders for every church, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society?
Thank you for giving your best this Christmas, just like God did at the first.
Dr. Yaw Perbi
ISMC President
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Gifts of $10 or more are acknowledged with an emailed income tax receipt from Canada Helps.
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